Fillings Discussion and informed consent form for fillings December 13, 2017 Informed Consent Chinese English Hmong Japanese Korean Russian Spanish Tagalog Traditional Chinese Vietnamese Fillings
Follow Up for Biopsy Letter Sample letter to a patient about referral for evaluation and/or biopsy of a suspicious area or lesion October 24, 2018 Sample Forms Alaska Arizona California Hawaii Idaho Illinois Minnesota Montana Nevada New Jersey North Dakota Oregon Pennsylvania Tennessee Washington Documentation Patient Care
Gingival Graft Discussion and informed consent form for a gingival (gum) graft October 21, 2015 Informed Consent Chinese English Hmong Japanese Korean Russian Spanish Tagalog Traditional Chinese Vietnamese Gingival Graft
Glossary of Insurance Terms A crash course in insurance terms. Simple explanations that will help you better understand your policies. April 05, 2024 RM Matters Insurance 101
Handle With Care: Minimizing Risk With Short-Term and Traveling Patients Treating “snowbirds,“ college students or patients who present only on an emergency basis can be challenging. As the “secondary“ general dentist, you have more liability exposure than the dentist who is performing their... January 01, 2022 RM Matters Patient Care and Communication Risk Management Essentials
Handle With Care: Patient Emotions and Dentistry A patient’s emotional state affects their behavior before, during, and after treatment. Get helpful guidance for navigating the emotional side of patient care. June 23, 2022 Liability Lifeline Publication 2022 Liability Lifeline
Handling Conflicts With Confidence: Tools To Reduce Tension and Risk Avoiding conflicts with patients or employees only allows them to grow and expose the dental practice to liability risks. With clarity, patience, empathy and objectivity, dentists can better navigate disagreements and de-escalate potential crises. April 01, 2021 RM Matters Employment and Managing a Team Patient Care and Communication Risk Management Essentials
Haste, Pressure and Staffing Shortages Contribute to Costly Mistakes Identity or treatment plan mistakes can occur in any dental practice. Research by TDIC’s analysts reveals the most commonly occurring elements are referral slip errors, performance or production pressure and staffing shortages. Prevention... January 08, 2023 RM Matters Employment and Managing a Team Risk Management Essentials
Health & Safety Practices Issue Learn the best health and safety practices for dental offices. With guidance from TDIC Risk Management analysts, discover steps to reduce risk for your practice and dental team, while reducing potential liabilities from sharps injuries,... December 04, 2020 Publication 2020 Liability Lifeline
Health + Resilience Issue Explore the many causes and implications of today’s evolving wellness issues, understand how dentists’ well-being can increase the practice's liability risks and learn healthy techniques for coping and building resilience. June 01, 2021 Publication 2021 Liability Lifeline