Authorization for Agent to Consent to Dental Treatment of a Minor Sample treatment authorization for an adult to whom care of a minor has been entrusted October 23, 2015 Sample Forms Alaska Arizona California New Jersey Pennsylvania Washington Documentation General Liability Patient Care
Authorization for Caretaker to Accompany a Minor Sample authorization for a non-legal guardian to accompany a minor patient to dental appointments June 30, 2016 Sample Forms State Alaska Arizona California Hawaii Illinois Nevada New Jersey North Dakota Pennsylvania Documentation General Liability Patient Care
Authorization for Release of Dental Records Form for a patient to authorize release of records to another dentist, physician or authorized representative October 23, 2015 Sample Forms Alaska Arizona California Hawaii Illinois Minnesota Nevada New Jersey North Dakota Oregon Pennsylvania Washington Documentation General Liability
Balance and Boundaries: Ethical and Legal Considerations When Terminating Dental Practice Employees Employee termination can be a difficult and sensitive matter, but there are times when it becomes necessary to preserve the safety, integrity and reputation of your practice. TDIC’s risk management analysts caution dental practice owners to... May 14, 2024 RM Matters Employment and Managing a Team Risk Management Essentials
Bartering Your Dental Services? Get It in Writing For dentists, bartering can lay the groundwork for a liability claim if things don't go as planned. Should you decide to barter treatment, the details must be clear and documented on paper so each party upholds their end of the agreement. November 27, 2024 RM Matters Patient Care and Communication Risk Management Essentials
Before Recording, Protect Private Patient Information Surveillance cameras are becoming more common in dental offices. Be aware of the HIPAA and privacy regulations surrounding their use, as well as basic recording guidelines for practice owners. November 01, 2019 RM Matters Patient Care and Communication Risk Management Essentials
Best Practices for Hiring the Right Employee When your staffing needs are immediate, you may be tempted to expedite available candidates and minimize their shortcomings. Protect your practice by implementing effective processes to find and hire solid employees.When your staffing needs are... April 01, 2022 RM Matters Employment and Managing a Team Risk Management Essentials
Bone Graft Discussion and informed consent form for bone grafting and/or regeneration October 20, 2015 Informed Consent Chinese English Hmong Japanese Korean Russian Spanish Tagalog Traditional Chinese Vietnamese Bone Graft
Brushing Aside Politics: Keep Your Dental Office Free of Political Discussions Impassioned political debates can create an uncomfortable environment for both staff and patients. Practice owners should develop a professional code of conduct prohibiting such discussions. February 29, 2024 RM Matters Employment and Managing a Team Patient Care and Communication Risk Management Essentials
Business controls reduce employee theft Theft within dental practices is surprisingly common and it’s on the rise. Review your bookkeeping structure and implement accounting measures to greatly reduce the probability of falling victim to employee embezzlement, while communicating... October 01, 2020 RM Matters Employment and Managing a Team Property and Practice Ownership Risk Management Essentials