Safeguard your Dental Practice Data from Cyber Threats TDIC’s Risk Management experts offer simple steps you can take now to shield your practice and patient data from the rising threat of cyberattacks. October 12, 2023 RM Matters Property and Practice Ownership Risk Management Essentials
Safeguarding Your Dental Practice: The Vital Role of Property Insurance in Natural Disaster Preparedness Property insurance is essential for dental practices. When selecting an insurance carrier, carefully consider the carrier’s ability to provide attentive service and accurately assess any loss. Adequate insurance is just one of the steps you... December 08, 2023 Content Type RM Matters Property and Practice Ownership Risk Management Essentials
Sample Employee Manual A comprehensive, customizable employee manual template to effectively document and share workplace expectations June 30, 2023 Sample Forms Alaska Arizona California Hawaii Idaho Illinois Minnesota Montana Nevada New Jersey North Dakota Oregon Pennsylvania Tennessee Washington Documentation Employment Featured
Saving Time and Staying Safe With Paperless Documentation Learn how to transform recurring paperwork into more secure, organized, and flexible digital formats. Reduce risks of outdated and compromised information, while increasing convenience and accessibility, with a thoughtful approach to paperless... September 01, 2021 RM Matters Patient Care and Communication Property and Practice Ownership Risk Management Essentials
Self-Sufficient Minor Form certifying and documenting the self-sufficient minor status for diagnosis or treatment October 23, 2015 Sample Forms Arizona California Washington Documentation General Liability Patient Care
Sensory Recording Chart Sample chart for recording a neurological examination, including symptoms and clinical findings July 12, 2018 Sample Forms Alaska Arizona California Hawaii Idaho Illinois Minnesota Montana Nevada New Jersey North Dakota Oregon Pennsylvania Tennessee Washington Documentation General Liability Patient Care
Shortcuts: How Convenience May Compromise Your Practice and Patients In this issue of Liability Lifeline, Risk Management experts offer warnings about some of the common shortcuts that potentially put dentists on the rocky road of elevated risk. Follow their guidance to avoid high-priced mistakes. October 20, 2022 Liability Lifeline Publication 2022 Liability Lifeline
Small Claims Court Reference Guide An overview of limits by state, whether legal representation is allowed and if decisions can be appealed February 16, 2023 Reference Guides General Liability
Speak Up! Open Communication Strengthens Employer-Employee Bonds The art of communication is the language of leadership. In the dental office, open communication between practice owners and staff ensures an efficient workplace, reduces employee turnover, improve job satisfaction and helps mitigate potential... May 21, 2020 RM Matters Employment and Managing a Team Risk Management Essentials
Spring 2018 What does state legalization of recreational marijuana use mean to you as an employer? The Spring 2018 issue of Liability Lifeline covers considerations for your practice’s employee handbook and drug-free workplace policy. Other topics in... April 18, 2018 Publication 2018 Liability Lifeline