In their roles as employers, practice owners are obligated to report workplace injuries immediately. Delaying by taking a “wait and see” approach may potentially further an employee’s injury and lead to problems should a claim...
Properly classifying contracted employees is essential to maintaining compliance with workers' compensation regulations, protecting employees and safeguarding your practice from potential liabilities. Work closely with your local TDIC advisor...
Some aspects of professional liability policies and how claims are handled may differ between TDIC and other insurers. Learn about the three types of coverage TDIC offers and the main differences in how claims are handled with each.
TDIC's personalized and experience interaction begins as soon as you submit a claim. This is a general overview of the claim process.
A helpful guide to understanding the types of professional insurance that dentists need.
A crash course in insurance terms. Simple explanations that will help you better understand your policies.
If you are overwhelmed by the number and types of insurance policies that exist, TDIC can help to clear up some of your questions. Use this guide to help better understand the policies to consider for your stage of practice.
Dental professionals can confidently give back as volunteers by understanding how and when professional liability policies cover them, including at organized events and community programs, during emergencies and when providing services to family...
By partnering with an insurer that understands the unique requirements of dental businesses, you can gain peace of mind knowing that your practice and assets are well protected. Take the time to review your carrier and policy to ensure your...
TDIC, like other insurance companies, utilizes a formula that includes type of work and payroll audits to determine workers’ compensation premium costs for their insureds. Learn how the payroll reporting system works, and how TDIC supports...